
Indisposable Live®: How US Bottle Bills are Accelerating Reuse

Fifty years of data on deposit return system (DRS) laws (or “bottle bills”) in the U.S. demonstrate that these programs effectively boost collection and recycling rates, create opportunities and jobs in local economies, prevent roadside litter and plastic pollution, and catalyze reuse.

What is the importance of reuse in DRS, and how can DRS policies incorporate the latest thinking on reuse solutions, funding, and incentives?

Learn more about this and recent policy wins across the country from special guest panelists Susan Collins, President of the Container Recycling Institute; Sarah Nichols, Sustainable Maine Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine; and Peter Spendelow, Natural Resource Specialist at Oregon Dept of Environmental Quality. They showcase the distinct ways that California, Oregon, and Maine have begun to incorporate reuse/refill into their bottle bills.


Bottlebill.org: in depth statistics and information on bottle bill programs around the world

Maine's bottle bill (LD1909)

Chaptered text of the updated law in Maine

California SB 1013 page

The New Reuse Economy: Upstream’s paper on the infrastructure needed to support reuse across the beverage, foodservice, and CPG sectors

1974 EPA report: Second Report to Congress - Resource Recovery and Source Reduction

Peter Spendelow’s slides

Susan Collins’ slides


Back to basics: Defining "reuse" for policymakers


Reuse in EPR